NFPA 70E Update Seminar

by Rick Emery on September 17, 2017

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  • NFPA 70E Update Seminar
     October 25, 2017 - October 26, 2017
     8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

National Fire Protection Association

Standard 70E

Update Seminar

October 25 and 26, 2017

Libertyville Fire Station #3

Abbott/AbbVie Training Room

13415 Atkinson Road

Lake Bluff, Illinois, 60044

This training is being hosted by Abbott.

This training will be based on the 2015 edition but each student will receive a copy of the 2018 edition of NFPA 70E Standard For Electrical Safety in the Workplace (a $71.50 value) when it is released.


This course examines the NFPA 70E and OSHA electrical safety work practice standards required for the safety of all employees while working on or near electrical equipment. The course is pragmatically based upon the hazards of electricity and explores the relationship of the standards requirements to specific electrical hazards.

Engineering controls (including Lockout Tagout), personal protective equipment (PPE) for electrocution and arc flash/arc blast protection are applied relating directly to the safety control hierarchy. The instructor, who trains the OSHA inspectors nationwide, will explain what OSHA looks for.

Instructional Methodology: Each student receives an interactive workbook, which is used throughout the course. The 2018 edition of NFPA 70E will not be released before this class, but each attendee will receive a copy of the 2018 edition as soon as it is available.

The interactive workbook contains a copy of OSHA’s Electrical Safety Related Work Practices Standard 1910.331-.335. The OSHA Electrical Safety Related Work Practices Standard also has a unique and specially designed cross-reference for each OSHA paragraph to the equivalent NFPA 70E code reference. The use of the interactive workbook and specific reference standards engages the students, encourages active class participation and reinforces the standard requirements.

The course content is not just for qualified electrical workers, but will tremendously benefit persons who supervise and manage qualified electrical workers. Safety professionals will learn to comfortably navigate these highly technical standards and gain valuable insight to the work qualified workers perform.

The course addresses the application of the NFPA 70E tables for both shock and arc flash/arc blast protection along with the selection of appropriate PPE. The judicious use of video clips and stills of actual OSHA accident and fatality cases with detailed explanations of causal factors revealed by the OSHA investigation and resulting citations explained in class. The instructor in his official OSHA capacity investigated many of these accidents.

Additionally, actual equipment including tools and PPE will be available for student examination. Students/attendees are encouraged to bring their electrical PPE, meters and insulated hand tools to class to perform the required inspections on the equipment. The extensive use of oral questioning techniques as well as reinforcement techniques are employed for a sound and effective didactic approach.

Most of all, the approach to training is that students should have fun learning … What a concept!


13415 Atkinson Road, Lake Bluff, Illinois, 60044, United States


This class will be held in the training room. Please park on the west side of the building and use the Abbott Fire Department entrance on the west side.